“Peace starts within each one of us. When we have inner peace, we can be at peace with those around us.”

The 14th Dalai Lama

“Rory is undoubtedly a highly competent IFS practitioner; he brings insight, integrity and a wealth of life experience to our sessions. It is his ability to hold gently our exploration into my inner world with true warmth and humour that makes space for the full healing potential of IFS to be experienced. 'Thank you' doesn't quite express the gratitude I feel - in discovering IFS with Rory I have stumbled into something truly wonderful...”

Yvonne, UK

“Rory is a very qualified IFS therapist and has a background in spiritual Nondual traditions. Which proved to be a very powerful combination for me. By chance I also found out that he helps people to prepare for their psychedelic experience and to integrate it. His help around my Ayahuasca weekend was so valuable, a real cherry on an already well baked cake. Thanks Rory!”

Marc, The Netherlands

“I have really enjoyed my time working with Rory. He offers a safe, non-judgmental space to do some really deep work. He is also thoroughly steeped in the traditions of both China and India, so he brings something unique to IFS, which I find really sets him apart. Can’t wait to do more work with him”

John, USA

“I have found Rory’s approach and quality as an IFS facilitator to be invaluable. He has been key to many breakthroughs, ahaa’s and liberation on my journey to the unknown. His precision in allowing my parts to be discovered and healed is second to none and his grace and heart are always welcoming in navigating some of the tough stages. I recommend Rory wholeheartedly.”

Constantine, Australia

“I've been really enjoying working with Rory. With his Presence and guidance using the IFS model he has been able to create a safe space for inner exploration, insight and healing. After each session I feel more integrated and spacious, more connected with the inner wisdom of my System (the Self) and more hopeful about the future.”

Vasco, Portugal

“As a certified alternative energy therapist for over 20 years, I’ve explored many options. I find working with Rory a rich, rewarding, and liberating experience. I keep coming back for more and am eager to learn how to help others with IFS. I enjoy working with Rory’s expert guidance. I highly recommend him.”

Laura, USA

“Rory has a very natural calm, kind and skillful way of working. He made me (and my parts) feel safe to explore and unburden. I recommend him as an IFS therapist!”

Alix, The Netherlands

“Doing IFS with Rory has had a gentle but profound impact on me. With Rory's astute guidance, he's supported me in gaining a fuller sense of what's going up underneath my thoughts and feelings. Overall, I feel a stronger connection to myself and better at navigating the situations in front of me.”

Jeffrey, USA

“Rory approaches the complexities of my inner world with intelligence, patience and light-heartedness. Our IFS sessions have been playing a pivotal role in my transformation - thank you!”

Ron, Israel

“Thanks so much again Rory...really so appreciate your comprehensive care, skill and non-intrusive gentleness and careful holding and facilitation... I really value this work”

Clea, UK