“Cherish that which is within you.”


What happens during an IFS session?


The IFS model is based on the understanding that each of us has many aspects to our personality known as “parts”. When we relax and look inward we can engage directly with these parts of ourselves.

During a session Rory will ask questions that help clients notice their parts and get to know them. Parts will often feel familiar as they usually dictate our interactions with others and our thoughts about ourselves.

Clients come to gain understanding of their parts and compassion for them arises; this enables healing of long-held wounds to take place. The ongoing relationship between the client and their parts leads to confidence, trust, balance and feelings of peacefulness and ease.

 I've been really enjoying working with Rory. With his Presence and guidance using the IFS model he has been able to create a safe space for inner exploration, insight and healing. After each session I feel more integrated and spacious, more connected with the inner wisdom of my System (the Self) and more hopeful about the future.

Vasco, Portugal

IFS can help you…


Feel comfortable in your own skin.

Heal your emotional wounds.

Enhance your spiritual practise.

Find perspective on issues in your life.

Stop spiritual bypassing.

Embody your true Self.

Be more present and compassionate with those around you.


Where can I find out more?

Who is Rory?


What do people say?